Saturday, August 31, 2013

Orange Taylor III almost allowed off due to liberal Eastern Michigan's diversity policy

Stan Berghoff

 Eastern Michigan University has got to be one of the worse universities in the country. Any university that would coddle and try to cover up the rape murder crime of black Orange Taylor III is pretty disgraceful even in this disgraceful era of diversity where black males run rampant on nations colleges raping and killing white women. Orange Taylor's crime was tried so hard by university official to cover up for fear out of bad publicity for their pathetic state university system where they likely allow anyone in as a student like Mr Taylor. Orange slipped into the dorm room of the beautiful Laura Dickerson and raved her making the crime look so obviously like a sex crime. He threw her dirty tampons right before he raped her and strangled her when she resisted too much at his attempts to penetrate her. The sick fuck then went home like nothing happened and was likely amused when it took the university so long to admit a murder did occur. A black female on the juror held out and it took a second trial at tax payer expense to put this black bastard behind bars along with the other countless killers of white women in their twenties. He will enjouy life living in a cell room that resembles a small Eastern Michigan dorm room.Why anyone would send their daughter if she resembled Laura Dickerson to Eastern Michigan University after this crime is beyond comprehension.

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