Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Craiglist killer Phillip Markoff was a ladies man

  Dr Smith: It saddens me when I see the life of a bright young man who wanted to be a doctor allow his anger and passion to destroy his life. Phillip Markoff had everything going for him. He had a great Boston education,beautiful Anglo-Saxon girlfriends,A nice car,strong family life. So forth and so forth. I would of been proud to have him as a student and every father would of welcomed him home for dinner with his daughters girlfriend. We will never know what went wrong but it appears Mr Markoff was the victim of a robbery gone wrong and with the number of security cameras around he should of known he had little chance.

Roscoe Coltrane.: Lets talk about technology because in this case without technology and this craigslist nonsense I wonder if this crime would of occurred. These high priced bimbos at these high priced hotels need to realize even the bright ones can turn into killers. This this Julissa Brisman should of just concentrated on posing in her panties and bras. No dog gone it . She wanted to make more money for ..for gambling or a coach purse..or more shoes. Some people are never satisfied with what they got and God blessed her with a tight ass and so forth.  She never had a chance with a tall young determined man like Mr Markoff.

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