Tuesday, September 3, 2013

300 pound beast Andrew Bess almost got away with killing beautiful Angela Somata

Dr Smith:
Andrew Bess was a pig of a man who could never get laid on his own will without forcing a woman. The man was a twice convicted rapist and allowed parole at a time sex crimes were not taken serious by the police and one night in 1984 he spotted Angela Somata, a beautiful co-ed at a bar in North Dallas. Knowing he was a disgusting older man Mr Bess didn't dare to approach the buxom vixen in the bar and stalked her home as she was dropped home by friends. he Knocked on her door and gained access to her condo and to her raping her for hours. ms Somata received a phone call that would not stop ringing from her boyfriend and the fat fiend allowed her to answer the phone. Bess allowed her to answer the phone and the boy friend became suspicious over the phone. Mr Coltrane you can finish up this story.82216-Angela Samota-thumb-175x235-82215.jpg

Roscoe Coltrane. All right here Let me tell you ladies. I am being serious. never answer or allow a fat man in your condo who knocks on the door ohhh and asks for food or going to the bathroom. Ohh not a smart thing to do and perhaps drinking all night affected ms Somata's judgement and decision. Shoddy police work prevented this crime from being solved for a very long time and we have DNA to thank for catching this pig some twenty years later. The police in Dallas are perhaps the most inept police organization ohhh in the South and any city that allows the president to be murdered so easily is not a safe place for a single young lady.

Saturday, August 31, 2013

Orange Taylor III almost allowed off due to liberal Eastern Michigan's diversity policy

Stan Berghoff

 Eastern Michigan University has got to be one of the worse universities in the country. Any university that would coddle and try to cover up the rape murder crime of black Orange Taylor III is pretty disgraceful even in this disgraceful era of diversity where black males run rampant on nations colleges raping and killing white women. Orange Taylor's crime was tried so hard by university official to cover up for fear out of bad publicity for their pathetic state university system where they likely allow anyone in as a student like Mr Taylor. Orange slipped into the dorm room of the beautiful Laura Dickerson and raved her making the crime look so obviously like a sex crime. He threw her dirty tampons right before he raped her and strangled her when she resisted too much at his attempts to penetrate her. The sick fuck then went home like nothing happened and was likely amused when it took the university so long to admit a murder did occur. A black female on the juror held out and it took a second trial at tax payer expense to put this black bastard behind bars along with the other countless killers of white women in their twenties. He will enjouy life living in a cell room that resembles a small Eastern Michigan dorm room.Why anyone would send their daughter if she resembled Laura Dickerson to Eastern Michigan University after this crime is beyond comprehension.

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Stinky Francois was a nasty fat killer of nasty prostitutes

Dr Smith

Kendall Francois was a heavy set black serial killer who liked to pick up very very awful looking hookers for a quickie. Kendall took these lovely ladies to his attic and had fun with them. The smell of his home was so awful it eventually lead to his downfall and neighbors complained and city workers discovered the source of this nasty smell. Somehow Mr Francois parents didn't seem to mind nor question why little Kendall was bringing all these hos home and the smell of the corpses was somehow not noticed. Pougskipie New York apparently had a prostitute problem that was fixed by this very round black man. No one noticed nor cared these working women wound up missing and from the looks of them you can see why.

Roscoe: Now now hear this. This crime could only occur in the North where people don't report a problem or look into what their neighbors are up to until a repugnant smell invades their space. If Kendall tried this in Hazard this crime would of been solved after the first killing and no way in hell could anyone have an attic of rotting prostitutes. These crack addict whores would of been cuffed and stuffed in jail before they had the opportunity to work their trade on the pristine streets of Hazard. Pougskipie is typical of scummy rural North.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Craiglist killer Phillip Markoff was a ladies man

  Dr Smith: It saddens me when I see the life of a bright young man who wanted to be a doctor allow his anger and passion to destroy his life. Phillip Markoff had everything going for him. He had a great Boston education,beautiful Anglo-Saxon girlfriends,A nice car,strong family life. So forth and so forth. I would of been proud to have him as a student and every father would of welcomed him home for dinner with his daughters girlfriend. We will never know what went wrong but it appears Mr Markoff was the victim of a robbery gone wrong and with the number of security cameras around he should of known he had little chance.

Roscoe Coltrane.: Lets talk about technology because in this case without technology and this craigslist nonsense I wonder if this crime would of occurred. These high priced bimbos at these high priced hotels need to realize even the bright ones can turn into killers. This this Julissa Brisman should of just concentrated on posing in her panties and bras. No dog gone it . She wanted to make more money for ..for gambling or a coach purse..or more shoes. Some people are never satisfied with what they got and God blessed her with a tight ass and so forth.  She never had a chance with a tall young determined man like Mr Markoff.

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Paige Birgfeld investigation heats up again and she is typical of Western women.

Bart Francis

Paige Birgfeld was mentioned in the Huffington Post again and the mysterious murder of this high priced escort is overblown. Once again the media gives special attention to one murder of a beautiful white woman over the countless unsolved murders of many others. Paige is not really worthy of the attention as being a mother she sold her sexual services to the highest bidders putting herself in circumstancing dangerous position. As a mother she should of known better and as an enterpeurneur I am sure she could of saved enough on taxes to prevent this lifestyle. After a divorce she wanted and expected the same lifestyle she was acuustomed to for so many years and decided in order for her kids she would be a prositute. it is hard to have sympathey for a woman like Paige Birgfeld. She is typical of the greedy me lifestyle of Americans and Colorodans are especially greedy and big car and home demanding people in America. She easily could of supported her kids without selling her pussy for thousands of dollars to wealthy perverted men who have money to waste like this. The tragedy of this crime is it was so unnesseary and she did not have to put herself in a position to expose herself to a dangerous predatory element in society.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Never go home with a black bouncer. The tragedy of Imette St Guillen

Roscoe:  Immette St Guillen was typical of many yuppie urban women. They think they are immune to the street violence of major cities and act like New York is Hazard County dogonne it..trusting everyone and accepting of everyone of all creeds and colors. Darryl LittleJohn was a predator with a taste for the Spanish fly and saw the perfect opportunity to add to his conquests. when he saw this drunk little cutie leave the uppity upper Manhattan bar called the falls.

Dr Smith:   Ms St Guillen was a saint compared to the wild lowly buck Mr LittleJohn was in life. She was working hard at school to make something of her self and study criminology. It's a shame she didn't read a little more of the dangers of leaving a bar intoxicated. many women have been killed over the years in such a similar situation separated from their friends and drunk like a train hopping hobo of the roaring twenties. She was desperate to get home and took a fatal mistake offer of a free ride from this creepy scummy bouncer that was eyeing her ass all night at the Falls bar.Imette St. Guillen - Darryl Littlejohn

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Melissa Kentunuti murder a result of White males not being able to change ways

   Roscoe Coltrane:  This murder is without a doubt or question awhite male unable to cope and deal with criticism of a woman from Asiatic descent. No doubt about it. This woman was a professional a woman that dedicated her life to saving children and researching transfusions and critters of that kind under real large microscopes. This scumbag Mr Smith, a common American name, this this jerk dedicated his live to lowly bug extermination. .

Dr Smith: Yes Smith I must say is a common Anglo day and this murder has complete racial aspect to it. If she had been a Caucasian woman I am sure this Smith would of not been as angry and stupid to kill this woman especially everyone would know he was working at the townhouse. This guy just couldn't stand the fact that a woman of color was belittling him and he strangled her in her own house. This man is an embarrassment for white males and men like myself named Smith, He is very deserving of the electric chair. This mans life was nothing compared to this pediatric doctor and this murder in Philadelphia earlier in the year was shameful. A wake up call to successful minorities that white lower classes can be pretty savage as well. This was a woman that worked hard in life to get a desgree while this loser Smith whose first name not even worthy of mention. This loser Smith likely drank his way to dropout and maybe graduated from bug insectide one week course.  

 Melissa Ketunuti, in a graduation photo. The 35-year-old pediatrician was found strangled and burned in the basement of the rowhouse she lived in on Jan. 21.